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ECTA is part of IJCCI, the 16th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence.
Registration to ECTA allows free access to all other IJCCI conferences.

IJCCI 2024 will be held in conjunction with ICINCO 2024, icSPORTS 2024, CHIRA 2024, IN4PL 2024, CoopIS 2024 and EXPLAINS 2024.

Registration to IJCCI allows free access to the ICINCO, icSPORTS, CHIRA, IN4PL, CoopIS and EXPLAINS conferences (as a non-speaker).

Although the conference is back to the normal mode (i.e., in-person) speakers are allowed to present remotely if unable to travel to the venue (hybrid support).
Considered a subfield of computational intelligence focused on combinatorial optimisation problems, evolutionary computation is associated with systems that use computational models of evolutionary processes as the key elements in design and implementation, i.e. computational techniques which are based to some degree on the evolution of biological life in the natural world. A number of evolutionary computational models have been proposed, including evolutionary algorithms, genetic algorithms, the evolution strategy, evolutionary programming and swarm intelligence. These techniques form the basis of several disciplines such as artificial life and evolutionary robotics.
This conference intends to be a major forum for scientists, engineers and practitioners interested in the study, analysis, design, modeling and implementation of evolvable systems, both theoretically and in a broad range of application fields.

Conference Chair

Joaquim FilipePolytechnic Institute of Setubal / INSTICC, Portugal


Niki van SteinLeiden University, Netherlands

Keynote Speakers

Tome EftimovJožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Gabriela OchoaUniversity of Stirling, United Kingdom
Rita P. RibeiroUniversity of Porto, Portugal

