Previous Awards
The papers receiving these awards were selected from a set of outstanding papers,
based on the quantitative and qualitative classifications as well as comments provided
by the program committee reviewers, their final classification as full paper and
their oral presentation at the conference.
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009
ECTA 2022
Best Paper Award
Approaches for Rule Discovery in a Learning Classifier System
Michael Heider, Helena Stegherr, David Pätzel, Roman Sraj, Jonathan Wurth, Benedikt Volger and Jörg Hähner
Best Poster Award
Parameterising the SA-UNet using a Genetic Algorithm
Mahsa Mahdinejad, Aidan Murphy, Patrick Healy and Conor Ryan
ECTA 2021
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
ECTA 2020
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
Grammar-based Fuzzy Pattern Trees for Classification Problems
Aidan Murphy, Muhammad Sarmad Ali, Douglas Mota Dias, Jorge Amaral, Enrique Naredo and Conor Ryan
ECTA 2019
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
Hybrid Kriging-assisted Level Set Method for Structural Topology Optimization
Elena Raponi, Mariusz Bujny, Markus Olhofer, Simonetta Boria and Fabian Duddeck
Best Poster Award
ECTA 2016
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
Best Poster Award
ECTA 2015
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
ECTA 2014
Best Paper Award
Evolutionary Tuning of Optimal Controllers for Complex Systems
Jesús-Antonio Hernández-Riveros, Jorge-Humberto Urrea-Quintero and Cindy Carmona-Cadavid
Best Student Paper Award
ECTA 2013
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
ECTA 2012
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
IJCCI 2012
Best Paper Award
Towards an Approach to Select Features from Low Quality Datasets
José Manuel Cadenas, María del Carmen Garrido and Raquel Martínez
Best Student Paper Award
Early Alzheimer’s Disease Progression Detection using Multi-subnetworks of the Brain
Jaroslav Rokicki, Hiyoshi Kazuko, Francois-Benoit Vialatte, Andrius Ušinskas and Andrzej Cichocki
ECTA 2011
Best Paper Award
IJCCI 2011
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
José M. Cadenas, M. Carmen Garrido and Raquel Martínez
Lorna V. Rosas-Tellez, Jose L. Martínez-Flores and Vittorio Zanella-Palacios
ICEC 2010
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award
ICEC 2009
Best Paper Award
Best Student Paper Award